I feel shocked about it, says Shraddha after 7 years in Bollywood!

Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor came into the Bollywood scene 7 years ago when she starred in the film Teen Patti. The film did not manage to make its mark and it had to be Aashiqui 2 for people to notice Shraddha. The film was a great hit and Shraddha has not looked back since.

When questioned about completing seven years in the industry, the actress got candid with a famous tabloid and told, "Actually, no one knows that we shot for Teen Patti for two and-a-half years. So I started shooting for the film in August 2007. By that logic, if you actually calculate, then I have completed almost 10 years."

When questioned on how it felt to complete a decade, Shraddha told, "No, I don’t feel it (laughs). I feel shocked about it. It makes me think, ‘Really? What?’"

Does she look back at the times that has gone by? "Yes, I do that every now and then. I do that just to relive those memories. Sometimes, it feels nice to look back and think, ‘Oh, during my first film, I didn’t even know that there’s a term called ‘mark’ on a film set’ or that ‘one shouldn’t block the lighting on the sets.’ But now, I feel like I know something (smiles).But by now, you have had so many hits to your credit starting with Aashiqui 2...I actually didn’t start off with a bang. I look at Teen Patti as my start. My start had a lot of struggles, but I think all those efforts paid off as I was fortunate enough to get all the films that I eventually got, and I continue to get. For instance, I am really fortunate to have signed Saina now. I think that’s going to be my hardest film till date, and it is going to entail months and months of preparation."

Shraddha has seen both hits and flops in her career so how much do success and failure affect her? The actress disclosed, "At that time [when a film flops], it affects me a lot. But at the end of the day, you can only tell yourself not to take success to your head, and failure to your heart. I felt bad with Rock On 2 (2016) and OK Jaanu not doing well, but I brushed it off. But like any other actor, I always hope that my films do well.

Calling her family and best friends her comfort zone, Shraddha further added, "I go to my parents in both the situations. Actually, in all situations, I go to them because I feel whenever you turn to your comfort zone, you feel better about everything. It doesn’t matter if you are feeling lost or experiencing ups-and-downs for whatever reason."

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